I was watching (or, trying to watch) "A Little Princess" (the 1990s version) on Youtube today. I could only watch the first ten or so minutes of it though because the whole thing's not on there, so I'll have to check it out at our library. Anyway, in those first ten or so minutes, there was a really sweet conversation about dolls. Sarah's father gives her a doll named Emily, and the conversation continues thus:

Captain Crewe: You know, dolls make the very best friends. Just because they can’t speak doesn’t mean they don’t listen. And did you know that when we leave them alone in our room, they come to life?

Sarah: They do?

Captain Crewe: Yes! But before we walk in and catch them, they return to their places as quick as lightning!

Sarah: Why don’t they come to life in front of us so we can see them?

Captain Crewe: Because it’s magic. Magic has to be believed. It’s the only way it's real.

I thought that was just lovely!! A couple minutes later, Sarah is leaving her room and remembers her father's words about dolls coming alive, and she races back to her room and looks through the keyhole to see her doll still sitting where she left her. It reminded me of when I was little and would plot to climb up and look through my bedroom window to see if I could catch my toys and dolls before they could get back to their normal places.

Recently a little friend of mine asked me to make her an Alice in Wonderland doll dress (from the original Disney animated version of Alice in Wonderland, not the Tim Burton one).

It was a very fun project!! I used Kirsten's Birthday Dress and Pinafore pattern as a base. The changes I made were that I added a Peter Pan collar to the dress and put sleevebands on the sleeves instead of elastic. On the pinafore, I lengthened the waistband so that it tied with a bow instead of velcro in the back.

My photographer sister and I tried to get some Alice-inspired pictures with themes from the movie, but, never having made it through the whole movie or book before, I couldn't think of much. I did remember the Queen of Hearts theme, and I tried to find a bottle to write "Drink Me" on but didn't have any of the right size. Anyway!

It was a fun project... I love doing movie costume re-makes!!
